Blood purification by means of folk remedies.

Common folk remedies exist for blood purification for toxins. Blood purification by means of folk remedies is safety. Blood purification is a good method for health strengthening. It is effectively to cure any illness and organism protective forces make stronger considerably if blood is purified from toxins and waste products which as a rule contain in it.

A perfect method for blood purification is cranberry juice.

During the first week drink ½ glass of juice 3 times a day, during the 2d week – ½ glass 2 times a day and during the 3d week – ½ glass once a day.

The following decoction very effective for blood purification.

For 6 glasses of boiling water it is necessary 2 teaspoons of burdock roots and 2 teaspoons of Echinacea. Simmer for 10 minutes then add 2 teaspoons of nettle, simmer for 10 minutes more, and then take off the fire and add 2 teaspoons of clover, flowers of elder and peppermint. This decoction should be extracted in closed vessel for 5 minutes and then filtered. It is permissible to add some honey. One should drink it in the same dose as cranberry juice. It is possible to interchange grass and cranberry treatment courses.