Stroke and heart attack can be caused by high hemoglobin and thick-blood. In these cases the medicine for blood diluting are recommended. For stroke and heart attach preventive measures folk medicine can be used. The main point in stroke and heart attack preventive measures is adding products stimulating blood diluting and clot of blood dissolving to every day food allowance.
Aspirin and trental are considered to be the most effective medicines for blood diluting and stroke and heart attack preventive measures. In kind aspirin is contained in kefir, koumiss, and willow bark. The biggest content of aspirinlike substances is in sea kale.
Cod-liver oil stimulates not only blood diluting, but also it influences on resolution of already existing clots of blood and sclerotic plaques. It is necessary to eat fish not less than 3-4 times a week. Fat sorts of fish are more preferable.
Chilli pepper contains vitamins A and E, potassium and folic acid. They dilute blood very well, prevent from stroke and heart attack.
Fig scours vessels from cholesterol very well and dilutes blood.
Cabbage is very effective for preventive measures of stroke and heart attack
- broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage. In case of constant including these products into food allowance, we can reduce risk of stroke on an average till 32%.
To prevent stroke citrus plants can help– oranges, mandarins, lemons and juice made from them. Usual eating of such products reduces risk of stroke in 20-25%.
Approximately the same effects give green vegetables (lettuce, spinach, sorrel, parsley).
Mulberry roots are very helpful for blood diluting. Crumble up and wash 200 gr of fresh mulberry roots, put them into enameled pan, pour over 3 liters of cold water and stay for an hour. Than you should simmer it, keep for 15 minutes after boiling, take off fire, cold it, decant and put it into refrigerator. It should be drunken 200 gr 3 times a day before eating for 5 days. Than should be a break for 2-3 days. In such a way you should make 2-3 courses.